Carolyn Hagedoorn

Carolyn Hagedoorn



Property, Commercial and Business Law


02 4422 4422


Carolyn graduated from the University of Sydney in 1989 and was admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the High Court of Australia that same year. She was appointed as a Public Notary in 2008.She has practiced exclusively in regional/rural NSW throughout her career.

Carolyn’s focus is property and business law matters. She astutely advises clients in the Shoalhaven and helps them make practical decisions.

For over 32 years, Carolyn has helped clients find their way through complex legal situations and make legally solid decisions which achieve the outcomes they want. Carolyn has a keen insight in the unique issues which face Shoalhaven residents and businesses.

Both in business and personal legal matters, Carolyn clearly advises clients on how to protect and promote their interests.

Businesses appreciate her cost effective and prompt work to meet legal requirements and resolve legal issues which arise as they pursue their business goals. She expertly advises entrepreneurs throughout the lifecycle of their businesses.

Carolyn is an energetic member of the community, contributing to both professional and social initiatives. She held the position of President of the Shoalhaven and District Law Society for a number of years, Carolyn is a member of the Society of Notaries of NSW and Shoalhaven Business Chamber.

Contact Carolyn